/ Fragment of multimedia presentations /


"When discussing the scientific aesthetics of the most difficult - to say in effect, but it does not say anything extra. "
 (c) Andrey Panov

This is indicated by almost all
Incarnation afford not to many
No evaluation criteria
No idea of ​​the synthesis technology
Out (painting, sculpture)
Drama (prose, poetry, philosophy)
Directing and staging
Directing - art. The idea (idea) arises in the mind of the artist, and
depends only on the natural ability.
Staging - craft. Requires knowledge of a set of means
techniques, tricks, special effects.
Staging and synthesis
Know the technology of creation, but can be quite far from
Directing and synthesis
One artist in various guises. For example, it may be a film director,
independently sought out different genres implementation in accordance with
his own counsel.
Multiple Artists. Each can have its own idea and the idea of
artistic and aesthetic overarching objective.
Verbalization of the Plan
The intention is usually to verbalize one or two words is not possible.
However, in a simplified embodiment, if, for example, "joy", then it
state must express and music, and painting, and dance. Then, perhaps feeling
joy will be with the viewer.
Ideally, the plan verbalization can assume a certain literary
product. There remains the question of compliance.
Point of reference
With all the differences of methods and means of implementation, the very idea should be
identical in all Artists.
This is possible only if all the artists persecuted by accident or planned
The overriding need one.
Restrictions and conditions
All artists are equal.
(When one of the artist are in a subordinate position, to come to
full synthesis will fail).
Work to order, usually devoid of perspective.
(Come to an Intention is possible only through your own inspiration or
You can not make music? - Do not write!
You can not dance? - Do not dance!
Can not draw? - Do not draw!
You can not write - do not write!
Output point
All this is to produce a single exposure in accordance with the original
MERGER all aesthetic and artistic impact on the viewer brings to the
The resonance of the psycho-emotional perception.
The conclusion that the materialization and dematerialization of ideas
directed by director
composer, arranger
choreographer choreographer
Wizard's Apprentice
linguist, writer
Aesthetic and artistic product


"При обсуждении вопросов научной эстетики самое трудное - говорить по сути, но при этом не сказать ничего лишнего."
 (с) Андрей Панов
 Об этом говорят практически все
 Воплощение по силам далеко не многим
 Нет критерия оценки результата
 Отсутствует представление о технологии синтеза
Виды искусств
 Изо (живопись, скульптура)
 Драматургия (проза, поэзия, философия)
Режиссура и постановка
 Режиссура - искусство. Замысел (идея) возникает в сознании художника, и
зависит только от природных способностей.
 Постановка - ремесло. Предполагает знание определённого набора средств,
приёмов, трюков, спецэффектов.
Постановка и синтез
Владеют технологией создания произведения, но могут быть достаточно далеки от
Режиссура и синтез
 Один Художник в разных ипостасях. Например, это может быть кинорежиссёр,
самостоятельно отыскивающий различные жанровые реализации в соответствии со
своим собственным Замыслом.
 Несколько Художников. Каждый из них может иметь свой Замысел и представление о
художественной и эстетической сверхзадаче.
Вербализация Замысла
 Обычно вербализировать Замысел одним-двумя словами не возможно.
 Но в упрощённом варианте, если это, например, "радость", то тогда это
состояние должна выражать и музыка, и картина, и танец. Тогда возможно ощущение
радости будет и у зрителя.
 В идеале, вербализацией замысла можно полагать некоторое литературное
произведение. Остаётся вопрос соответствия.
Исходная точка
 При всём различии приёмов и средств реализации, сам Замысел должен быть
идентичен у всех Художников.
 Это возможно только если все Художники случайно или запланировано преследуют
одну СверхЗадачу.
Ограничения и условия
 Все Художники равноправны.
(когда один из Художников находится в подчинённом состоянии, прийти к
полноценному синтезу не удастся).
 Работа на заказ, как правило, лишена перспективы.
(прийти к своему Замыслу можно только через собственное вдохновение или
 Можешь не сочинять музыку? - не сочиняй!
 Можешь не танцевать? - не танцуй!
 Можешь не рисовать? - не рисуй!
 Можешь не писать - не пиши!
Точка выхода
Всё это вместе должно произвести единое воздействие в соответствии с исходным
СЛИЯНИЕ всех эстетических и художественного воздействия на зрителя приводит к
РЕЗОНАНСУ психо-эмоционального восприятия.
Вывод о материализации и дематериализации идей
режиссёр         постановщик
 композитор       аранжировщик
 балетмейстер     хореограф
 мастер           подмастерье
 сочинитель       лингвист
Эстетический и художественный продукт
A.Panov purpose in polyphony/ Fragment multimedia presentations /"When discussing the scientific aesthetics of the most difficult - to say in effect, butit does not say anything extra. "(c) Andrey PanovSYNTHESIS OF THE ARTS This is indicated by almost all Incarnation afford not to many No evaluation criteria No idea of ​​the synthesis technologyArts Music Dance Out (painting, sculpture) Drama (prose, poetry, philosophy)Directing and staging Directing - art. The idea (idea) arises in the mind of the artist, anddepends only on the natural ability. Staging - craft. Requires knowledge of a set of meanstechniques, tricks, special effects.Staging and synthesis Arranger Choreographer Apprentice LinguistKnow the technology of creation, but can be quite far fromPlans.Directing and synthesis One artist in various guises. For example, it may be a film director,independently sought out different genres implementation in accordance withhis own counsel. Multiple Artists. Each can have its own idea and the idea ofartistic and aesthetic overarching objective.Verbalization of the Plan The intention is usually to verbalize one or two words is not possible. However, in a simplified embodiment, if, for example, "joy", then itstate must express and music, and painting, and dance. Then, perhaps feelingjoy will be with the viewer. Ideally, the plan verbalization can assume a certain literaryproduct. There remains the question of compliance.Point of reference With all the differences of methods and means of implementation, the very idea should beidentical in all Artists. This is possible only if all the artists persecuted by accident or plannedThe overriding need one.Restrictions and conditions All artists are equal.(When one of the artist are in a subordinate position, to come tofull synthesis will fail). Work to order, usually devoid of perspective.(Come to an Intention is possible only through your own inspiration orillumination).Cautions You can not make music? - Do not write! You can not dance? - Do not dance! Can not draw? - Do not draw! You can not write - do not write!Output point<SPECTATOR> Music Dance Image WordAll this is to produce a single exposure in accordance with the originalconcept.CatharsisMERGER all aesthetic and artistic impact on the viewer brings to theThe resonance of the psycho-emotional perception.The conclusion that the materialization and dematerialization of ideasIdeaPlanArtistdirected by director composer, arranger choreographer choreographer Wizard's Apprentice linguist, writerAesthetic and artistic productViewerIdea

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